Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Tok - Model - 1449 Words

A model is a simplified representation of some aspect of the world. In what ways may models help or hinder the research for knowledge? A model by definition is â€Å"a schematic description of a system, theory, or phenomenon that accounts for its known or inferred properties and may be used for further study of its characteristics†(source) that implies that a model is supposed to be a helping hand while searching for knowledge in any subject. Sometimes however models can appear to be quite confusing as they are to general or too far away from real life situations. So how and in what way models can help and hinder the search for knowledge in natural sciences, human sciences and arts I am going to argue in the following essay. In school we†¦show more content†¦However the models of art only help us in the search for artistic knowledge. However logically anyone can differentiate between a Picasso and a Monet as the differences are easy to be seen but it takes a lot of study to empirically know the different models. That means we can only understand and use the models if we understand art so to a normal human being that does not want to have a deeper knowledge about art and its backgrounds and the fine borders between the styles those models are useless. In this case they are too subject specific for someone to use. Models can also be interpreted as being rules about how to specifically draw or paint something so that it is art. A good example for that is the Mona Lisa by Leonardo DaVinci. Although he drew a women in a realistic way, her eyebrows are missing, which lets people detach from the painting emotionally as she seems less human in a way. In the Arts models can also be something different. A very good example for that would be the Mona Lisa by Leonardo DaVinci. His model we assume was a woman or a man that must have looked just like an everyday person, however DaVinci whether on purpose or not left out any emotion and lets the person appear extremely emotionless and cold. In this way the art work hinders us from knowing more about the intentions of this painting and also about the person being drawn. However this is a trigger for people to want to find out more about this painter andShow MoreRelatedModel Tok Presentation1673 Words   |  7 PagesModel ToK Oral Presentation Understanding the Vancouver Riots: a TOK analysis of the violence following the Stanley Cup Hockey Finals on June 15th, 2011 Objectives of ToK Oral Presentation Ââ€"ï‚â€"†¯ Identify and explore a Knowledge Issue (KI) raised by a Real-life Situation (RLS) Ââ€"ï‚â€"†¯ Show insightful thinking about KI, supporting ideas about knowledge claims, justifying thinking, making connections with ToK concepts Ââ€"ï‚â€"†¯ Presentation should have two stages: Ââ€"ï‚â€"†¯ an introduction and brief explanationRead MoreTiK ToK on the Clock of Decency: How Ke$ha’s Lyrics Inspire Today’s Youth in Their Time of Trouble1547 Words   |  7 PagesAmerica’s teens need help, and only one person can do the job: billboard-breaking pop musician Ke$ha. 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